Understanding Vibration

Understanding Vibration is ever-present in pretty much all industrial organizations’ processes, engineers must not accept it as a failed accomplishment and accept that it will eventually cause the machine to…

Understanding Vibration is ever-present in pretty much all industrial organizations’ processes, engineers must not accept it as a failed accomplishment and accept that it will eventually cause the machine to a fault, causing costly failures and lose productivity.

Vibration monitoring technology has come along in leaps and bounds in the last few years, helping engineers to reduce the probability and the impact of classic machine faults.

While machines have improved in both design and functionality, engineers still need to ensure that machines are constantly performing to their optimal ability. Vibration is a key concern that engineers must remain cognisant of, as it can be a key attributor to the general depreciation of a machine.

Having the ability to predict issues with a machine prior to failure minimises the larger costs a machine could potentially incur should it fail. Saving money on energy consumption as a direct result of vibration monitoring also highlights the importance of having a vibration monitoring system in place across all your machines.

The symptoms of vibration are straight forward. In most cases, vibration is the result of misalignment or looseness. However, the impacts can be an array of outcomes ranging from negligible to severe. In addition to heightened levels of wear leading to premature replacement, OHS with more noise likely to impact on your workers. The worst case scenario is total failure, which can grind the operations of your organisation to a complete halt, stopping productivity and costing serious money. This scenario can be greatly reduced with vibration monitoring. It’s worth every cent.

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