Tapping Into the Language of Vibration

At GVS Reliability Products, we know that vibration monitoring is an undeniably powerful tool, used by many maintenance engineers and plant managers, helping them effectively and responsibly control their manufacturing operations….

At GVS Reliability Products, we know that vibration monitoring is an undeniably powerful tool, used by many maintenance engineers and plant managers, helping them effectively and responsibly control their manufacturing operations.

With all motors bound to suffer failure or defect within their lifetime, vibration data is an important resource to have as part of your plants operational review. It can literally be the determining factor between unplanned downtime or operations that run to schedule and at a profit.

Vibration is caused by a multitude of factors; for example, mechanical imbalance, loose fitting parts, rubbing components, and bearing fatigue. Although minor deviations in vibration readings are unlikely to spell disaster, a lengthy and un-investigated vibration instance can result in serious problems or at worst catastrophic failure, which can (and generally will) in turn disrupt overall productivity and output.

Vibration is not a new challenge. In 1907, Frederick W. Taylor described machinery vibrations as “the most obscure and delicate of all the problems facing the machinist”. Relatively speaking, this is still true. Technologies designed to monitor vibrations have improved and this allows plant operators, managers and engineers to profit from the host of condition monitoring systems that provide both; early warning of potential faults, and deliver precise “live” data on operating condition, allowing maintenance to be proactive and planned.

GVS Reliability Products provide a full range of robust accelerometers and vibration sensors, which assist operations across a wide range of industries, provide plant managers and engineers with the tools needed to drive efficiency and productivity throughout their operations and help keep site personnel safe without the threat of undiscovered machinery problems.

Are you interested in how we can help? Get in touch, we are here for you.

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