Learning 101 – Ultrasound

Using Ultrasound for ‘on-condition’ lubrication and bearing health. This GVS blog post contains a link to a highly informative presentation delivered by none other than SDT’s own, Tom Murphy. http://reliabilityweb.com/videos/article/on-condition-lubrication-and-bearing-health-using-ultrasound Premise: The measurement…

Using Ultrasound for ‘on-condition’ lubrication and bearing health.

This GVS blog post contains a link to a highly informative presentation delivered by none other than SDT’s own, Tom Murphy.


Premise: The measurement of ultrasound with portable devices to provide an objective assessment of the health of a bearing has been well-documented over the last decade. In more recent times, the interconnection between a grease gun and an ultrasound instrument has taken this process one stage further. Case histories showing how Ultrasound monitoring can be combined with remote lubrication of difficult-access bearings to provide instant feedback on the benefit or otherwise of individual shots of grease.

From GVS point of view, many in Australian and New Zealand are aware of ultrasound being used as a condition monitoring device but, are not up to speed with the power, performance and diverse range of effective applications a modern ultrasound devices (such as the SDT product range) can achieve. Products such as the LUBExpert and SDT270are 2 such modern sophisticated ultrasound monitoring devices.

The presentation aims not only to educate but also, to fill the gap in the knowledge of ultrasound with engineering and maintenance professionals.

Thanks to our friends at Reliability Web for permission to use the article and video.

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